THE DOG WHO KNEW TOO MUCH, the sixth book in the Paws and Claws Mysteries by Krista Davis, is another charming addition to an endearing series. From the inviting adorable cover (who can resist Trixie and Twinkletoes!) to the heart-warming quote at the beginning: “A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than you love yourself,” this newest release draws the reader in from the very start. The protagonist, Holly Miller, is co-owner of the Sugar Maple Inn with her Oma. I love the relationship these two women have along with the various pets that come to share their abode. They are caring and leave you with a warm fuzzy feeling despite the conflicts that might come their way…like murder. Ms. Davis has created and developed the characters over the course of the series, so that they’ve grown and become like good friends. I appreciate that the pets are also allotted the author’s expertise with character development so that each animal has a unique personality. This makes Wagtail seem all the more realistic.
The charming pet-centric town of Wagtail is playing host to the doggie star and cast of a popular TV program who are visiting for some rest and relaxation. But when Holly’s body-finding dog, Trixie, finds a victim during one of the star’s events and when local pure-bred dogs start disappearing, Holly knows she must get involved and help solve the mystery. Ms. Davis weaves the subplots into the central murder mystery and oft times I wasn’t sure how she would manage to tie the pieces together. But she did and left me feeling thoroughly entertained and impressed! There were plenty of clues and suspects, but honestly I was enjoying the flow of the story so much I just wanted to sit back and go along for the ride while I watched it unfold. All in all, if you enjoy a pet-themed mystery, with well-developed characters, and a great plot, this is one series you shouldn’t miss!
As owner of the Sugar Maple Inn, Holly enjoys the baking of her Oma and the chef who provides yummy meals for the guests. One of the desserts Holly eats is Zucchini Pineapple Cake. Fortunately for the reader, Ms. Davis provides the recipe at the back of the book along with several other recipes for humans and pets alike. I had the opportunity to make the Zucchini Pineapple cake back in late summer when zucchini was still prolific in gardens. Oh my… I’m not sure any other recipe could ever come close to being as delicious a way to use up squash! Super moist, thanks to both the pineapple and zucchini, this dessert/snack cake is pretty easy to make once you grate the zucchini (I used the grating disk on my food processor). And I didn’t feel guilty about serving it since I knew that there was both fruit and vegetables in the dish. The next time a bumper crop of zucchini heads my way, this will be the recipe I reach for.
Amazon Synopsis
When a famous pooch comes to Wagtail for some downtime, inn owner Holly Miller learns that murder never rests in this all-new Paws & Claws mystery in the New York Times bestselling series.
America’s favorite dog comes to pet-friendly Wagtail for some rest and relaxation, but Holly quickly discovers that this perfect pup is a total scamp who takes every opportunity to run off and misbehave. During an outdoor treasure-hunting game, the star dog and Trixie, Holly’s beloved Jack Russell terrier, stumble across a dead body.
Holly has more than murder to worry about, though, when a man shows up after reading an article featuring Trixie in a magazine and claims that he is the dog’s rightful owner. Holly will need to prove that she is her pup’s only parent and catch a killer to restore peace to her pet-loving happy place.
A special thanks to Krista Davis for providing one winner with a print copy of THE DOG WHO KNEW TOO MUCH. Print limited to U.S. residents only. Contest ends Sunday, December 8, 2019 at 11:59 pm PST . Please use the Rafflecopter box located below to enter. The winner will be announced on this page and on Cinnamon & Sugar’s Facebook page, as well as notified by email (so check your spam folder!)

- 3 cups shredded zucchini (about 11.5 ounces. Don't pack the measuring cup.)
- 1 can (8-ounces) pineapple chunks, well drained
- 2 cups flour
- 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 2 teaspoons baking soda
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 3/4 cup milk (2% or higher)
- 1 teaspoon white vinegar
- 3/4 cup vegetable oil
- 3 eggs
- 2 cups sugar (if you plan to use frosting then use only 1-1/2 cups sugar unless you like it very sweet)
- 2 teaspoons vanilla
Preheat oven to 350 degrees (F). Grease and flour a 9 x 13-inch baking dish.
In a food processor, shred the zucchini and the drained pineapple. Set aside.
Combine the flour, cinnamon, baking soda, baking powder, and salt in a bowl and stir well with a fork to combine.
Beat the eggs lightly, add the sugar and beat until thick. Slowly beat in the oil and milk, then add the flour mixture.
When combined, stir in the shredded zucchini, pineapple, vanilla, and vinegar.
Bake 45 - 50 minutes. When cool, serve with lightly sweetened whipped cream if desired.
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I was provided an advance copy. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
I do enjoy TV programs where a pet is featured. Especially if the pet has a unique personality. Thanks so much for the giveaway!
I love movies/tv shows where animals/pets are a big part of the show
Thank you for the recipe. Never thought of putting those two together
Sounds like fun
I enjoy TV shows that feature pets with their humans.
Yes, I love having animals/pets star in movies.
I do enjoy shows where pets are featured.
I love reading books and watching shows where pets are included. To me, they make books and shows more special!
I love having pets solve mysteries as in The Thin Man and that shows on our oldie goldy chanel…thank you for the review and contest.
Marilyn [email protected]
I enjoy tv when there is animal in it
This recipe sounds delicious. I love Krista Davis’s books.
Yes, pets can make movies or TV shows more fun.
As long as it isn’t a Disney production where they kill off someone (animal).
Sounds delicious
I enjoy both. With or without dogs. Thank you for a chance to win a print copy of The Dog Who Knew Too Much.
Yes it makes it interesting and fun to watch. Thank you for the chance The recipe sounds delicious.
absolutely love pets in movies and tv shows. And I love the town of Wagtail from this series!! Wouldn’t it be wonderful if it was a real town <3
I do like shows where pets are part of the cast. I think that started when I was a little kid and fell in love with a Basset hound that talked and acted as narrator for one show. Thanks for the chance.
Yes, for the most part!
Yes I do and thanks for the recipe!
Thanks for the chance
Pets make a movie of show extra special for me—I love animals. That cake recipe sounds like a keeper. Thanks.
Yes, I love it when pets are on shows. Unless the pet disappears. Of course, older brothers seem to disappear, too.
I love to watch movies and read books where animals are a part of them. I am an animal lover. I need to try this recipe! Thanks for the chance!
I love TV shows and movies featuring dogs and/or cats.
It depends on what kind of pet it is.
I love tv shows and movies with pets. I am partial to dogs.
I like movies/TV that have animals with unique personalities.
Enjoy the pets in TV shows and movies.
I enjoy pets in movies as long as nothing bad happens to them, and they are never in danger. Thank you for this chance, and for sharing the recipe!
I love it when pets are on tv shows or movies. Thanks for all the contests and recipes, and great “articles”
since i don’t own a TV or go the movies i’m not sure what to answer other than thanks for the give-away
I enjoy pets in supporting roles but not so much main characters.
I like to watch shows with animals…they make the shows more fun to watch.
I like it when pets are included in movies and TV shows.
Yes, I enjoy movies and tv shows with animals — dogs especially.
Yes, I enjoy watching movies and tv shows with animals — particularly dogs. I think I prefer them as secondary but very important characters.
Yes, I love shows or movies with pets.
I like a show with animals. They’re all so unique and gives it so much fun and realism.
I’ve loved shows or movies with critters as main characters since I was a kid and still do now.
Yes, for the most part!
Yes I do like animals in books and TV shows. Or movies too
Yes, I like movies, books and TV shows where an animal is a main character.
I absolutely love when pets are the stars! Some of my favorite movies feature pets (both live and animated) and my favorite cozies are the ones with cats! ?
I enjoy the development of the characters and how the pets are such a big part of the stories.
Pets in tv shows or movies are a must have!
Absolutely! I love dogs! They make a movie or show so much better! Thanks for the chance to win!
Animals add to every aspect of life, real or fictional. As long as they come to no harm!
I do love pets in every type of entertainment; movies, TV shows, and particularly in books (cozy mysteries!)
This is an awesome giveaway! I love all of Krista Davis’s books! Just wish our library would carry all of a series not just parts!
I love movies, programs about animals/pets as long as they don’t die. Oh, it just breaks my heart and I bawl like a baby.
I enjoy shows & books where a pet is featured.
I do enjoy when pets are on tv shows or movies!
I love to watch movies and TV shows with pets
I love the recipe, but I can’t read the review (I don’t want to chance spoilers). But I’ll glad you posted so others will read her great books!
Pets bring an element of fun and whimsy to the storyline.
I love watching movies where there is a animal as the main character! I will stop watching any show or movie where they hurt or kill an animal. I know it’s not real but I still don’t like it!
I will watch a movie that features and animal in a positive way. At least once. There are a couple that were just too silly. Won’t watch again. I will read a book that features animals in a positive way.
I love reading stories when pets are involved, they make it even more interesting. Thanks for your great generosity.
I love pets in books and movies. (Well pets in general!) Thank you so much for this recipe! This is one of those “need to try”!
I enjoy pets in TV shows and movies, particularly cats. Thanks so much for the chance to win!
Being an animal lover, I do enjoy shows with pets.
By the way, I could go for a piece of that cake right now!
I love books, t.v. shows, movies…anything that has pets as the featured star. Pets are smart, funny, wise, & wonderful!
I enjoy shows with animals.
I believe having pets on shows and movies add character and fun
Recipe looks good. Love your books.