BONBON WITH THE WIND, the much anticipated fourth book in the Southern Chocolate Shop Mystery series by Dorothy St. James, is another entertaining edition to a charming series! This newest release continues the story of protagonist, Charity Penn, who goes by the name of Penn. I love how the author has developed Penn’s character from the very first book and continues her progression through this fourth book. Penn is finally learning to trust her friends and open herself up to love which adds a dimension of emotion to the story. While this can be read as a stand-alone I personally think it is better to start at the beginning. The metamorphosis the protagonist experiences after inheriting her grandmother’s chocolate shop (whom she never even knew existed while growing up) can be better appreciated by reading the books in order. The author’s strong descriptive voice brings the setting of Camellia Beach in full focus as the island experiences the devastation following a hurricane. The reader can feel the anguish the residents feel as they inspect the damage caused to their homes and business. I love how they work together to recover from the disaster.
BONBON WITH THE WIND brings a greater element of the paranormal to the story as well…not that Penn believes in ghosts or anything. I was greatly intrigued in the way the legends of the island were portrayed and woven into the story and into the murder. As Penn learns to trust her friends in matters of the heart, she also has to learn to trust them as she hunts for the killer of the elderly treasure hunter. I enjoyed seeing her work as a team instead of shutting them out. The mystery was well-paced and the clues were sprinkled throughout, although I didn’t guess right. With a suspenseful reveal, Ms. St. James wraps up the threads of the story into a highly satisfying conclusion.
Penn’s shop, The Chocolate Box, creates all sorts of yummy chocolate delicacies for the residents and visiting ghost hunters. When the hurricane damage halts delivery of their supplies, Penn and her chocolatier, Bertie, scramble to create treats with ingredients they can rummage together from the grocery store and their dwindling pantry. One of the recipes Penn comes up with is her Surprisingly Simple Chocolate Chip Brownies, which uses only THREE ingredients. (If you haven’t read any books in this series, Penn isn’t a cook or a baker or a chocolatier, so the simpler the recipe, the better.) I was intrigued but couldn’t quite picture how it would turn out. Let me tell you, not only was it one of the easiest recipes I’ve made, but it was super yummy too! The graham cracker mixture turned chewy (in a good way) while the chocolate chips added just the right amount of bitterness and texture to the mix. I added a quick drizzle of melted chocolate chips to the top of the brownies to make them a bit more visually appealing, but they’d still be delicious without it. Next time I need a spur-of-the-moment dessert, I’ll be making these Chocolate Chip Brownies since I always have these ingredients stocked in my pantry.
Amazon Synopsis
Penn’s perfect life on Camellia Beach is threatened. A powerful hurricane is heading their way.
There’s a legend in the Sea Islands that before a hurricane hits if you see the Gray Lady walking down the beach, you’re doomed. Joe Davies, a local treasure hunter with an unquenchable sweet tooth, claims to have seen the Gray Lady walking toward him just that morning and is terrified for his life. Penn saw the woman, too. But she doesn’t believe in such silly stories.
After the storm passes, Joe Davies’ body is found washed up onshore. Did the Gray Lady claim another victim? Many on the island believe that is exactly what happened.
Penn is sure there’s another explanation. She follows the clues and hints of lost gold to discover that the truth behind the treasure hunter’s death is as much of a maze as the boating channels winding their way through the local marshes.
A special thanks to Dorothy St. James for offering one winner a print copy of PLAYING WITH BONBON FIRE. Contest ends Wednesday, February 19, 2020 at 11:59 pm PST and is limited to U.S. residents only. Please use the Rafflecopter box located below to enter. The winner will be announced on this page and on Cinnamon & Sugar’s Facebook page, as well as notified by email (so check your spam folder!)

The secret to this recipe is not to over mix the batter. Penn has shared with this editor all the other ways that she's messed up this ridiculously simple recipe, but dear reader, we know that you have more sense than to repeat any of her appalling mistakes. This is a recipe that was given to her, so she doesn't know the original origin. But, let me tell you, I've tested this one myself. And although there are only three ingredients, if you use a good quality chocolate, you're going to find it difficult not to eat all of these brownies for yourself.
- 1 can Sweetened Condensed Milk
- 2 cups Graham Cracker Crumbs
- 6 ounces Fair Trade Chocolate Chips (I prefer dark or semi-sweet)
Mix all the ingredients together.
Spread in a 9 x 9 square inch pan (ungreased).
Bake in a 350 degree (F) preheated oven for 30 minutes.
Let cool for at least 15 minutes before cutting.
Depending on how you cut the brownies, the recipe makes about 2 dozen.
If you plan on serving brownies on a platter, create two foil slings and line baking pan with them before spreading dough for easy removal.
If desired, melt 1/4 cup (1.5 ounces) Fair Trade chocolate chips and place in a piping bag or ziplock bag. Snip a corner of the bag and drizzle over cooled brownies. Allow drizzle to set before serving.
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Yes, I’ve been in several hurricanes.
No, I have not! Tornadoes are the natural disaster fear around here.
Are used to live in Houston but we never really had to deal with any hurricanes when I was there tropical storms on the other one yes.
No I never experienced a hurricane. But my daughter has. Thank you for a chance to win a Print copy Playing With Bonbon Fire.
Thank you!!!
Thank goodness I haven’t been in a hurricane, but have experienced a tornado and it was a frightening experience. Love this book cover and would be thrilled to win a copy! I’ll be making the recipe! Only 3 ingredients and it looks delicious. Happy Valentine’s Day! ❤️
Will definitely make these. Easy is the way to go.
No I have not.
Nope have not experienced one.
No, I’ve never been in a hurricane. So scary to even think about. Thanks for the giveaway. This recipe looks wonderful!
No, I have not! Thank goodness! Born and raised in tornado alley and thankful I have never seen one of those either.
I live in the Midwest, no Hurricanes here but we do have tornadoes!
I have never experienced a hurricane.
I have never experienced a hurricane and I hope I never will. I have experienced a tornado which was a frightening experience enough for me. Thanks for your great generosity.
I have. When I lived in Rhode Island the eye of Hurricane Bob passed directly over my house – I was lucky there was no damage. Thanks for your great blog and all your contests.
As a child, I witnessed one building over the Atlantic side of Florida…..we evacuated the same day. I have never forgotten nature’s show of angry rolling clouds
I’ve been through 2 hurricanes since we moved from Missouri to a small town in SE Texas! We were without power for almost a month with one of the hurricanes. And, we had to purchase a Chain Saw and a Power Generator! A hurricane is more than a storm, as one hurricane spawned 35 tornadoes in a nearby small town. (I grew up in Kansas; but, we usually had only one tornado at a time.)
No hurricanes here in Northwestern Pennsylvania But lots of SNOW!!!
We’ve been lucky here in south Florida and missed several hurricanes. But we’ve also had to ride out several. No power for days and days with the temperatures in the 80s is trying.
No only snowstorms and tornados.
Yes, I’ve been through several. One even knocked a tree over and totaled my car.
In 2018, my husband I were on a cruise to Cuba for our anniversary when we were diverted for Hurricane Michael. Definitely something we won’t forget.
No, I have not been in a hurricane. And I hope I never am!
A couple years ago we did get some of the rain and such from the outer edge as the hurricane came into southern Texas. We are up in Oklahoma.
Living in the northeastern US, I have experienced the results of hurricanes such as massive flooding and wicked thunderstorms, but I have not experienced a hurricane directly.
Yes, I have been in one hurricane.
I’ve never been in a hurricane, but I’ve been near several tornadoes.
Never experienced a hurricane. But have seen a few tornadoes!
Been in a few hurricanes and too many tornadoes 🙁
The recipe sounds WONDERFUL.
The Book sounds fabulous 🙂 Thank YOU so much
For this chance at a give-away.
Your Reviews are wonderful ?
Thankfully I never have had to deal with a hurricane.
Never a hurricane but yes to a tornado!
I have never experienced a hurricane, we get tornadoes here in the Midwest.
When I was about 7, I was in what my mom said was the tail end of the hurricane. It seemed like a hurricane to me. That was a very long time ago.
I do not live in hurricane country but am somewhat in the line of tornadoes.
Yes, I have experienced a hurricane, multiple times. Also experienced several typhoons (same thing as a hurricane, but in the pacific)
I’ve never been in a hurricane. I plan to make these to take to my grandchildren – I’d probably eat the whole pan if I left them here!
Thank you for the giveaway.
We spent two weeks without power, driving long distances to gas stations that actually had gas and you had to go on specific days depending on your license plate during Hurricane Sandy. The recipe looks delicious. Thank you for this chance!
Living in the midwest I have never experienced a hurricane. Tornadoes – yes
Blizzards- yes. Hurricanes – no
Not a hurricane but I was in New York City when Tropical Storm Hannah hit in 2008.
Oh gosh yes, first year we moved to Florida we experienced Hurricane Maria.
I have never been involved with a hurricane. But I have been involved with two tornadoes. A blizzard. A flooding. And 20 minutes after we left a ski resort. They had an avalanche. And 3 times experienced an earthquake. As well as a couple of serious thunderstorms. And they were in technicolor. You could smell them. Feel them in the ground. So awesome. But sure hated cleaning up after them.
No never been in a Hurricane but came close while on vacation. That was scary enough.
I have not experienced a hurricane and would not like to. This book sounds like a wonderful one to read! Thanks for the chance!
I have not experienced a hurricane. Thank you for a chance to read a new book.
I’ve been through several hurricanes including Ike. Thank God my family and I always came out okay.
We don’t have hurricanes here in the northern part of Ohio but we do get tornados. Either one is a terrible item to deal with. In the winter we do get severe blizzards and lake effect snow which can bury us. I hate when our electric goes out in the winter since that means no heat.
Hurricane Agnes in the 70’s but I don’t remember a lot about it. Just the flooding
I was in Hurricane Hazel when I was a child many, many, many years ago. Been in a few earthqukes and a tornado too.
Not a Hurricane but an intense Tornado Warning with safety sirens and all!
I have not experienced a hurricane, but I have experienced a tornado.
Oh my goodness 🙁 I am not sure I fully grasped this is another BOOK.
I have been trailing the 4th book recently, clearly I must NEVER attempt reading
Without my glasses. This must be an exclusive here. This is the1st I’ve heard.
~~~CONGRATULATIONS ~~~ on this 5th BOOK. How wonderfully exciting.
Living in the Carolinas the Children insist all the books I read –> please do some
around here. They know many Authors write discounted or coastal.
Blessings to YOU and may you be safe & your BOOKS successful.
Thank you for Sharing wonderful reviews and Interviews.
How else can we find out this info 🙂
Yes, I lived in Florida in West Palm Beach for 2 years before moving to South Dakota recently. We had two hurricanes and one blew out my living room windows!
I have never experienced a hurricane.
Actually yes. Hurricane David in Florida in the 70’s while visiting my parents where they had retired. It wasn’t a huge one, but big enough!
Love recipes that are simple with fewer ingredients. I have been in a few hurricanes, one as child and few as an adult. North Carolina and in Maryland.
Yes, I live in the Houston, Texas area and most of my family live on the coast, I’ve been in more hurricanes than I can even remember. Beginning with Hurricane Carla, when I was little..and everyone since then…Hurricane Ike devastated all the coast here, what a mess! My mother, my aunt both lost their homes as did numerous people we know. The clean up alone took forever, there are still folks rebuilding from that one.
I have never been in a hurricane I live in the mountains in Va but we got a very tiny earthquake here once.
Unfortunately yes, I have! I live in NJ near NYC and when Hurricane Sandy hit us in 2012 we lost power for 4 days. Others had it a lot worse and I’ll never forget it. Our Jersey Shore got completely destroyed and had to be rebuilt. I remember thinking that everything I had experienced as a kid in Seaside Heights was gone forever. It was so surreal to see the roller coaster (The Jet Star) I had ridden when I was a teen end up sitting in the ocean! It also affected everyone along the Atlantic Coast and was among one of the worst recorded