BROKEN BONE CHINA, the twentieth book in the Tea Shop Mysteries by Laura Childs is an entertaining addition to an enduring series. Protagonist, Theodosia Browning, is owner of the charming Indigo Tea Shop in Charleston, South Carolina. During her shop’s catering job at the Top Flight Balloon Club event, Theodosia and her tea sommelier, Drayton, are witness to a horrific calamity when a drone collides with one of the balloons. I’m impressed by the way the author uses a technical and unique murder method… the tragedy could have been pulled from current day news headlines. Ms. Childs brings the action to life, starting from the very first pages, and her description of Theodosia’s balloon ride reinforces my determination that I never want to give it a try myself.
I greatly enjoyed the interaction between Theodosia and Drayton, who are long-time friends. They work well together, both at the shop and in their search for finding the murderer. Their hunt involves a priceless American Revolutionary war flag which gives the reader a peek into historic places and architectural sites. As the duo ask questions and dig into the victims’ pasts, they find many suspects to focus on. The clues are scattered throughout the story and just when I would think I had it figured out, a new clue pointed me in a completely different direction.
Ms. Childs sprinkles her tale of murder with specialty tea events at Theodosia’s shop, like a Nancy Drew Tea, a Beaux Arts Tea, and a Floral Tea Cups competition, in which miniature floral arrangements are created in tea cups… brilliant! She also provides lovely ideas for hosting your own tea party at the back of the book along with delicious recipes. I was drawn to the recipe for Eggnog Scones, which are flaky, buttery, and melt-in-your-mouth yummy. While eggnog might not be available year round, this recipe is worthwhile to keep for the holiday season. But just in case you don’t want to wait that long, I’ve provided an eggnog recipe to make at home. These scones are an amazing accompaniment to tea or for a special breakfast treat.
Amazon Synopsis
It is Sunday afternoon, and Theodosia and Drayton are catering a formal tea at a hot-air balloon rally. The view aloft is not only stunning, they are also surrounded by a dozen other colorful hot-air balloons. But as the sky turns gray and the clouds start to boil up, a strange object zooms out of nowhere. It is a drone, and it appears to be buzzing around the balloons, checking them out.
As Theodosia and Drayton watch, the drone, hovering like some angry, mechanized insect, deliberately crashes into the balloon next to them. An enormous, fiery explosion erupts, and everyone watches in horror as the balloon plummets to the earth, killing all three of its passengers.
Sirens scream, first responders arrive, and Theodosia is interviewed by the police. During the interview she learns that one of the downed occupants was Don Kingsley, the CEO of a local software company, SyncSoft. Not only do the police suspect Kingsley as the primary target, they learn that he possessed a rare Revolutionary War Union Jack flag that several people were rabidly bidding on.
Intrigued, Theodosia begins her own investigation. Was it the CEO’s soon-to-be ex-wife, who is restoring an enormous mansion at no expense? The CEO’s personal assistant, who also functioned as curator of his prized collection of Americana? Two rival antiques’ dealers known for dirty dealing? Or was the killer the fiancée of one of Theodosia’s dear friends, who turns out to be an employee—and whistle-blower—at SyncSoft?
A special thanks to Laura Childs for providing a winner with a signed hardcover copy of BROKEN BONE CHINA. Contest ends Sunday, March 10, 2019 at 11:59 pm PST and is limited to U.S. residents. Please use the Rafflecopter box located below to enter. The winner will be announced on this page and on Cinnamon & Sugar’s Facebook page, as well as notified by email (so check your spam folder!)

- 1-1/2 cups all-purpose flour
- 1/2 cup sugar
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 6 tablespoons butter, cubed and softened
- 1 egg
- 1/4 cup sour cream
- 1/4 cup eggnogg
Preheat oven to 350 degrees (F).
Combine flour, sugar, salt, and baking powder in a large mixing bowl. Cut in butter until mixture is crumbly.
Combine egg, sour cream, and eggnog in a separate dish, then add to dry mixture. Combine until mixture holds together. If needed, a splash more of eggnog can be added.
Pat dough into a large circle, about 1/2-inch thick. Now cut dough into 10 to 12 triangles and place on a well-greased (or parchment-lined) baking sheet.
Bake scones for approximately 25 minutes or until golden brown.
For a sweet topping, combine 1/2 cup powdered sugar with 2 tablespoons eggnog and drizzle over scones.
I’ve made eggnog for numerous years when eggnog is out of season at the grocery stores. I’ve scaled the recipe down so there won’t be a huge amount left over after making this recipe.
Homemade Eggnog
1 egg
Pinch of salt
2-1/2 tablespoons sugar
1/3 cup whole milk
1/3 cup heavy cream
1/4 teaspoon vanilla
Dash of fresh grated nutmeg
In a heavy pot, whisk together sugar, salt, egg, and vanilla.
In a microwave safe container, heat the whole milk in the microwave until very warm (I use the beverage button on my microwave.)
Once heated, whisk the milk very slowly into egg mixture.
Place over low heat and stir constantly until mixture reaches 160 degrees. (If you don’t have a thermometer, mixture will be thick enough to coat the back of a metal spoon with a thin film. However, for safety, a thermometer is a must.)
Remove mixture from heat upon reaching 160 degrees and add heavy cream and the grated nutmeg. Stir to combine.
Use a fine mesh strainer and strain eggnog before chilling.
Eggnog should be consumed within 3 days.
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I was provided an advance copy with the hopes I would review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
I’ve never been on a hot air balloon ride, but have always wanted to.
I’ve never been on a hot balloon ride, but I think it would be a blast! Love the recipe too—ty.
Although I’ve never been on a hot air balloon ride, I think if given the chance I’d give it a whirl. Really scared of heights, but once I was the one to suggest a helicopter ride over Niagara Falls. Hubby would have to be with me for sure. I’ve always wanted to go to the hot air balloon festival and flight in New Mexico just to take photos.
You eggnog recipe mentions nutmeg twice in the directions, but once in the ingredients.
Thanks for catching that, Libby! I’ve updated the recipe 🙂
I have been to a hot air balloon festival, but have never ridden on one — they are big!
I have never been on a hot air balloon ride, but I think it would be fun?
I have never been in a hot air balloon, but I sure would go if offered a ride. I’m afraid of heights, but I would do it any way!
I love watching the balloon launches at a nearby winery but have never been up in one. My husband and I have talked of taking
a ride in one but haven’t gotten there yet.
I never have been on a hot air ballon, I think I’d be afraid. But would try it.
I’ve never been on a hot air balloon ride, but would love to go on one! I also would love to go to a balloon glow to take pictures.
Have never been in a hot air balloon but would love to do it someday
I have never been on a hot air balloon ride and am not sure if I would given the chance. As I have gotten older, I have been more cautious about heights. Thanks for sharing the recipes. They sound wonderful!
I have never been in a hot air balloon. I am not sure I would care to do this, if given the opportunity.
I am from Albuquerque, where hot air balloons are a big thing. I remember going out to see them launch when our son was about 7 ( he’s now 48). It was soooo cold, and early & still dark. My daddy had a thermos of coffee, and son asked if he (my daddy) would pour it over his toes to warm them up. Now these many years later, the balloon festival is in at least their 3rd launch location- a permanent field with buildings, museum, etc. And we have gone out to watch the launch several times. And when we haven’t gone to the field itself, we would watch from nearby. And more than once some of the baloons would come right over my folks house.
But to answer your question — I have not gone up in a hot air baloon; I think I would like to do so, but probably really wouldn’t actually go up. My Daddy went up in one, as did my aunt. As I recall, they each were pleased. Both went up, but the balloon is tethered, so there was no flight off in the yonder.
I haven’t ridden in a balloon & don’t think I want to. LOL
No & no.
I haven’t and I don’t want to.
I have never been on one and I think I would be too nervous to enjoy it.
There’s a hot air balloon festival near me, but they don’t offer rides. I’d love to go on a ride someday.
I have never been in a hot air balloon, but I would like to give it a try.
I’ve never been on (in?) a hot air balloon but I think it’d be really cool. Thanks for the giveaway.
I’m sure riding in a hot air balloon would be great, but not for me. I still get butterflies riding in an airplane. In a hot air balloon there’s a little to much, Air. Love your recipes.
I’ve never been in a hot air balloon, and I think I would be too scared to ever want to go in one. There are virtual rides like Disney’s Soarin’ LOL, although I gotta admit I hide my eyes through a lot of that too!
I’ve never been on one but would love to!
This sounds so good… The recipe & the book. I love this series!
I would not want to go up in a hot air balloon basket—I’m too afraid of heights.
I have no desire to be on a hot air balloon, but those egg nog scones look terrific!
Thanks for including the eggnog recipe for out of season needs. Am very fond of your series and enjoy Theodosia’s sleuthing.
I’m not much of an eggnog fan, so I’ll pass on the scones. But I would love to be on a hot air balloon someday!
I have not ever been on a hot air balloon ride. I don’t think I would like to!
I never have been on a hot air balloon ride but I’d love to.
I’ve never been on a hot air ballon ride but I would love to go on one. I think it would be so much fun!
I got the great privilege of crewing on a hot air balloon in New Mexico the whole week of the Baloon Fiesta & on the last day the owner’s of the balloon took me up with them for a ride. It was amazing, completely quiet until the gas was pulled into the balloon, and an experience I will never forget. I even got christened into the Hot Air Balloon Society!
I have never been on a hot air balloon ride before and I haven’t even been tempted to go either.
I haven’t ever been on a balloon ride, but as I don’t love heights, don’t know if I would ever go! They sure look pretty in the sky. Thanks for the chance to win!
I have never been in a hot air balloon. I am not sure I would care to take a ride in one.
Yes I have gone in a hot air balloon..I am happy to say however, I was relieved they kept tethers attached, so though we did go up, we didn’t go up as high as Mt. Thanks for the review and recipe. I just love this series and am looking forward to reading this #20 book! Congrats Laura and Thank-you.
I have never been on one. I would like to go one one but I do have this thing about heights so that could be a problem.
I have never been on hot air balloon ride. I would probably go if I had chance.
Nope, never been on one and don’t think I would like to go. Listening to my husband and son tell about their ride in one (which was great) was plenty for me.
“Have you ever been on a hot air balloon ride? Or given the chance, would want to go on one?” I have not been on a hot air balloon ride, and I would avoid one at all costs. I do not want to be suspended in the air in a basket suspended by a bag of gas or hot air.
Never been!… not brave or adventurous enough to try it!
I’ve never been on a hot air balloon ride and I don’t think I would risk taking a ride, even though it would be an adventure.
I have been on a hot air balloon ride! it is wonderful and would love to do it again! thanks for the chance to win!
No and no way!
Never have and never will. I don’t do heights!
I have always wanted to go on a hot air balloon ride, so yes, given the chance I would absolutely take a ride!
I’ve never been on a hot air balloon, and even though I’m terrified of heights, I would love to go on a hot air balloon ride! Lol.
I’m not sure I’d want to go on a hot air balloon ride! Heights make me a little nervous. I would like to make those scones, though. They sound delicious!
I love scones. Eggnog scones sound interesting.
This book sounds best of all.
I am afraid to go on a hot air ballon ride!
I haven’t been on a hot air balloon ride and not sure if I would want to. I did have the opportunity when I went to the Balloon Fiesta in Albuquerque.
Don’t think I would go up in a hot air balloon, but love to see them. Can’t wait to try the eggnog scones.
I haven’t been on a hot air balloon and if I decided to try it I would have to screw up my courage.
Marilyn [email protected]
I have never been on a hot air balloon ride. I would like to go on one. Thanks for the chance.
I have never been on and hot air balloon ride. I would like to go on one though.
I’ve never had the opportunity to go on a hot air balloon ride, but I would LOVE the chance. The town near where we moved has a hot air balloon festival each year and this year I’M GOING! 🙂
I have never been on a hot air balloon ride and I’m not sure if I would go on one if given the chance. I am not that fond of heights so I don’t know how much I would enjoy a hot air balloon ride.
I’ve never been in a hot air ballon and I’m not sure I would want too as I’m terrified of heights.
I haven’t been in a hot air balloon and think that I’ll just watch from the ground.
Have never been on a hot air balloon ride. And not sure I would want to. Afraid of heights. But found it interesting that the pilot Charles Lindburgh was afraid of heights. So figured I could manage that. But. Haven’t been able to convince my body I can.
I have never been on a Hot Air Balloon but I would like to some day